Sunday, December 09, 2012

less than a month to go for 2012

I have lived in my house 30 years last month.  My nephew will be thirty this month.
Last month I was divorced 5 years.  This month I will be living alone (happily) for 6 years.
October was 5 years of being smoke free.  This month it is one year ago that I contacted Frank to have my house redone.

I love it.  It's calm, peaceful, beautiful, and a reflection of my style for the most part.  My things are happy here.  I am happy here.  I have parties here and feel no embarrassment when friends and family come over.

It is getting to be close to Christmas break and I have lots of unstructured time coming up.  I need to keep from doing destructive things and plan some adventures.  I need to take care of myself inside and out.  This is what I hope to concentrate on in the thirteen.

Peace, love, adventure and health is what I hope for.