Saturday, August 07, 2010

Reviving birds...

Today I watched the cats sitting at the window, tails twitching back and forth in unison. The sparrows were feeding frantically at whatever weed seeds are in the front yard and as happens every year, one hit the window. I looked out to see the dusty brown body lying on it's back as it flopped once and went still. I trudged myself out to get it, fully expecting to be wrapping it up in paper towels and a plastic bag for the garbage but as I picked the bird up, head and body limp, I noticed he was blinking. I sat him on his belly in my hand and his feet seemed to slightly grasp on but he kept his head turned to the side and limp. I figured I would hold him and keep him warm until he passed on as it was semi cool this early afternoon. I looked for a spot in the back yard to lay him down comfortably and away from any hawks or cats. I noticed when I turned back and forth, his head would move as if he was focusing on something so I opened my hand a bit more (I wasn't holding him very tightly anyway) and petted him for a few minutes as his head began to raise up. Finally, he gathered his wits about him and he flew off into the tall ornamental grass across the yard and looked at me for a minute. He was fine, with an adventure to tell.

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