Sunday, March 16, 2008

Colours and fleeting light

So the paint job is circa late 80s to early 90s.
You know, the sponge paint fad that was often done very badly. My mom
did this peach colour sponge first. I guess it was 1988. The living
room was done in bright peach too. She later went over the peach with teals
and sea green and the living room was painted a deep rich peacocck green.
I remember spending hours in that dark green room feeling so depressed and
sad. So I painted everything white. I did keep the sponge painted
dining room though. It was done well and it reminded me of New
Orleans. Today there was a moment of sunshine that shone through. It
was beautiful and I know I have seen this in many forms before, some more
beautiful than this. I always think this is the last time I will ever see
such beauty of light. Just like I always look for rainbows after a
storm or in the spring time, I try to soak in as much of the bright spring green
grass and leaves after a storm that my eyes will take. I know that
there will be more beautiful things to see. Some will take my breath away
and some will never compare to what I have in the past seen. I look forward to
it all nonetheless.

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