Sunday, February 06, 2011

Oh for fuck's sake!

I don't remember all the lyrics to the Star Spangled Banner.  I remember most but if I had to sing it in public, I would probably fall all over the words.  So, Christina Aguilera messes up the lyrics during the Superbowl.  I get it.  It's in public, in front of millions.  You don't do that.  I post on facebook that I wouldn't have really noticed the mess up.  I was more annoyed by her elongation of monosyllabic words than the mistake.  Jaysus christ on a cracker.  Everyone's beating their chest and bleating about being unpatriotic.  A hearty go fuck yourself to all of them in their little I'm more patriotic becuase I know the words to a song pissing match. 

Other annoyances on facebook....
Stop bitching about your kids.  You had them, you wanted them, suck it up and deal with it. Yeah, I know blah blahblah most important job in the world...blah blah's so hard....blah blah blah....I don't think Mommy humour is funny.  I think it is stupid and I think it is boring.  So is dissing your husband/wife.  It's disrespectful.

Google is your friend.  Think before you send that fwwd email out.  It's probably not true.

YEah, that's about it.

Loving my life.

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