Saturday, October 20, 2007


Mike brought over the separation agreement on Monday. I signed it yesterday and J notorized it. I don't feel anything for him anymore...No hatred, no love, no nothing. Just apathetic about the whole thing. The old guy I was seeing called me on Mon. night too. again, apathy. The new guy is using the L word...apathy. I have a date on Tuesday with yet another new guy and I feel less apathetic about meeting him but still, no flutters of anxiety and hopes of all that might be. I just don't care right now. Not about being with someone anyway.

I took my step dad out for lunch today. It was nice to spend time with him.. He is 86 years old but geesh, he doesn't seem it. I also picked up a bunch of storage boxes from mom's stuff. I figure I can use some of it for school. I bought some knee highs and cat toys today.

I was going to get my home organized this weekend but once again just feel apathetic.

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