First, a student gets called out of class twice. The second time she asks when I come back, can I talk to you? I say sure. She comes back and says to me, if I am acting strange in your room will you please let me know? So I probe a little more and ask what does she mean (I am thinking is she having seizures? Diabetes? What). So she tells me she may be pregnant. I am starting to lose count with my students. I think this is number 8 or 9 in the last two years. She hasn't had a test yet and she's going to the doctor's on friday. Her mom knows (no dad in the pic) and basically gave her an ultimatum...abort or go someplace else. I think it is probably just the shock of it all because I think she and her mom are pretty close. She is not going to abort and says if she has to she'll live with her boyfriend's family (I don't know who it is but that can't be the optimal situation). Anyhoo. The most heartbreaking part was she looked at me, started to cry and said I just didn't want you to think of me differently. :(
So, remember when Dan Quayle criticized the Murphy Brown show when she got pregnant and decided to keep her child and raise it as a single parent? You know, it was the downfall of family values and all that. I know that Juno came out way before Palin's daughter got pregnant but now that she is a celebrity and has paraded her daughter out in public why can't we criticize her and the way she has justified having just another lifestyle choice?
BC in schools. At the very least, condoms!!
Second. I get this damned email criticizing illegal immigrants, the banning of the 10 commandments, and stupid patriotic/tyranical BS. I will copy it down and then my reply...
Everyone concentrates on the problems we're having in this country lately -- illegal immigration, hurricane recovery, alligators attacking people in Florida ..... ..... not me -- I concentrate on solutions for the problems -- it's a win-win situation. * Dig a moat the length of the Mexican border. * Send the dirt to New Orleans to raise the level of the levees. * Put the Florida alligators in the moat along the Mexican border.
Any other problems you would like for me to solve today?
Yes! Think about this:
1. Cows
2. The Constitution
3. The Ten Commandments
Is it just me, or does anyone els e find it amazing that during the mad cow epidemic our government could track a single cow, born in Canada almost three years ago, right to the stall where she slept in the state of Washington? And, they tracked her calves to their stalls. But they are unable to locate 11 million illegal aliens wandering around our country. Maybe we should give each of them a cow.
They keep talking about drafting a Constitution for Iraq .... why don't we just give them ours? It was written by a lot of really smart guys, it has worked for over 200 years, and we're not using it anymore.
The real reason that we can't have the Ten Commandments posted in a courthouse is this -- you cannot post 'Thou Shalt Not Steal' 'Thou Shalt Not Commit Adultery' and 'Thou Shall Not Lie' in a building full of lawyers, judges and politicians ... it creates a hostile work environment.
Also, think about this ...
if you don't want to forward this for fear of offending someone -- YOU ARE PART OF THE PROBLEM! It is time for America to speak up!
Yep, I passed it on!
Great! Now I am also going to pass it on without regard to who I offend. So I replied to all (as I am likened to do when I get these nasty emails telling me how I should believe....
I am not part of the problem… We can track cows because we have strict regulations on beef. People have rights and are not regulated like cattle. Should everyone who looks Mexican be targeted and interrogated to see if they are illegal? A better comparison would be why can’t we find Osama?
As for the 10 commandments, if it were only Don’t steal, don’t commit adultery, don’t kill people, and it was left generic without any religious overtones such as commandment one where it says,
"I am the LORD your God who brought you out of the land of Egypt, from the house of slavery. You shall have no other gods before Me..."
Or two where it says: Do not make an image or any likeness of what is in the heavens above
Or three: Do not swear falsely by the name of the LORD..."
Remember [zachor] the Sabbath day and keep it holy" (the version in Deuteronomy reads shamor, "observe")
Then I would agree with you. However, there is this thing called separation of church and state. Not only that, point the fingers to religious leaders. They steal, they adulterize (why yes, I did just make that word up), and Christianity, as with other religions, has used G_d to slaughter millions of innocent people throughout time. Regardless of what I believe, I like the separation. I support the rights of those who believe differently. I certainly wouldn’t be happy if the 10 commandments of Pastafarianism were implemented nor do I care to impose the majority rules on others. I like the all inclusiveness of the USA. I think that makes me even more of a “Patriotic Citizen”.
Because I believe differently and have the freedom to speak out does not mean I am part of the problem. It means I am an AMERICAN!!
There! I spoke up!
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