Sunday, July 06, 2008

Distracted guy...

Guess what? He makes date number 16. He called me late on July 4th and we talked. He's really easy to talk to. So last night, just before 10 I was trying to decide if I wanted to wash the stink of the day off of me and go to bed or call up a friend and go to The Pub when i got a text from DG (distracted guy). It read: guess where I am, The pub at the mall. So I called him and asked how long he was going to be there and he said I dunno, why. Well duh, so we can meet. So I told him I would be up in a half hour but warned him I had been working out and working in the yard so that I wouldn't be all that spectacular. So I wiped down with a wet cloth, took an iron to my hair because it had kinked up, threw on some make-up, jeans and a cute little red tee shirt. Not half bad. I got there in 18 minutes walked in and didn't see anyone who might resemble him at the bar. I figured he flaked and left or was in the RR. Out of the corner of my eye i see someone peaking around the table center piece and he kind of waved me over. There was a fairly immediate attraction that was really cool. At least, I am pretty sure he was attracted or he faked it well. We talked really easily, had some wine, drew pictures on napkins (I would have to draw a part then he would add on to it and so on). I thought he was into me because he was really close and kept a lot of physical contact, but I think he's just a really physical person because he put his arm around the server too. So, The Pub was closing and he suggested we go to another place that would be open for about another hour. So we did. It was a lot quieter and we really connected. He dropped me off at my car and I said, so do I get a hug? and he said oh, I want more than that....It was electric. ELECTRIC! So we talked about going to see the Bodies exhibit here soon. Ok, I just deleted all the stuff I wrote about how this will never work. I am going to stay positive and say that I really look forward to seeing him again.

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