I am going to start an ASSHOLE file. Just cuz.
When you see me waiting to pull into the empty spot next to your SUV, that is NOT the time to start goo gooing to your child in their car seat. Do that shit at home, I am not sitting in my car watchin you all dewey eyed and going aaaaaawwwweeeee. So don't look up at me and smile as if you've just brightened my day with sunshine, rainbows and puppies. Get the FUCK out of my way!
or this could be a HEY DUMBASS post... When you have tinted windows, you probably love them because you can pick your nose in private, scratch your balls, grab your GF's boob etc. Well, please remember that when we're at a stop sign and you decide to be nice and wave the motourist on ahead of you. WE CAN'T SEE YOU!!!!!!!!!!!!!
In other related asshole news...Ok, he might not be an asshole, but he's a guy and right now, they're all assholes...
I think number 16 is flaking out. He got into some huge fight with his STBX over the last few days and he is shutting down. I know what this means. It means....
I need to get my head straight
I need to find myself
I need some distance
I need some time
Yadda yadda, yaddah! insert whatever flakey cliche' people say when they start getting all fucked up and dramatic.
And so the criteria list grows. Normally I don't date separated people. They must be divorced already but I let my guard down on this one. Separated people are fucked in the head and you certainly don't want to be their first after divorce. I know this cuz I was there.
I want drama free. No drama with the exes. No drama with the kids. No drama PERIOD. Drama is only good to watch on Judge Judy because it makes you feel better about your life and how you are glad you're really not missing out on anything.
I know I jinxed myself because I told someone (irl) about how great the sex was. But it was damnit. I know I should not think negatively, but I have just seen this happen one too many times. We'll see if 17 will be around the corner. Whatever. I have things I have to do anyway and it doesn't include plans with others. I don't want to have to work at shit. Keep up or go away.
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