Monday, July 28, 2008

Words like Us and We...

Those words are so loaded.

It has taken me nearly 15 months to stop saying We, Our, etc. when refering to my lifestyle and MY house. Not only because i shared this house with my ex-husband, but because i also grew up here and have the Our and We of my mom and dad. I suppose I am still safe in saying we and our and us since I share with cats and rat. Still, I get both horrified and enamoured when I hear those words being used by 16. For example, I got a text from him and I texted back saying I was at BBand B. He writes back, oh, buy us something. I quickly responded that i had found a Man Groomer even though he doesn't have a hairy back. I am hearing a lot of We(s) in the future tense as well. We're going to do.....We'll do this in October....blah blah blah. Oh yeah? I try to remain positive and think well yeah! Why can't I be a we or an us or have an our again? I am just as deserving as anyone else and lots of men don't do the rebound thing. I mean look at Mike. He's shacked right up with his first significant other after our split. Though he was the dumper so maybe his ego doesn't need as much repairing as 16's. Mine is pretty much repaired with a few cracks here and there that leak occasionally.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Uh, thanks for ditching me on Monday. Nice, real nice. I am forever scarred.