Thursday, August 30, 2007


Today i cut down the Hybrid Willows that mike planted about 5 yrs ago. The drought was killing most of them but the one strong one was blocking the entrance to the yard. I guess there were about 8 of them I cut down. There is also a really tall one on the right side of the yard that needs to go too. I have to remove the stumps as well but have a long weekend to get to that. I guess I will use an axe to chop them down and up. It was a productive day even though it felt lonely and I have done nothing but think about him lately. SO is working a lot so I don't see much of him, giving my mind too much time to think of things.

I bought some air fresheners to change the way the house smells. This office in particular, smells like mike still. I don't know how. All of his things are out except for a few boxes. In time I suppose it will go away.

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